Wednesday, June 6, 2012

AH, June is here and there's lots going on this month. I just finished anniversary cards for my girls and husbands, sending off a cuple of retirement and birthday cards, and sadly, a couple of sympathy cards. The calendar is filling up with fun things to do this summer. I'm hoping you are all enjoying some great activities these next three months. Probably a couple of family reunions and maybe a vacation or two are on your list of things to do. The crops are in the ground and we can see them growing day by day. We're thankful for the couple of showers we've had, but could use some more soaking rain. The ground is still so thirsty! Mark helped get some pictures hung last weekend, so I'm getting closer to getting all settled in. I have lots of sewing projects in the works, so on very hot afternoons, maybe I can stay in and sew. It's so nice to be outside, tho. I've been busy hauling water to keep all my flower pots alive. I even planted flowers in an old wheel barrow I found in the shed. That Pinterest has lots of ideas!! I'd better get started on "Father's Day" cards next! Be sure to check out the Close to My HeartStampaganza going on this month. B2G1!! Everyone have a safe and fun filled summer! Pam